
Les produits BioFreeze fournissent un appaisement à de nombreuses personnes souffrant d'arthrite. La caractéristique de refroidissement de l'analgésique offre un réconfort aux douleurs et entorses musculaires.

Électrodes Axelgaard 
en tissus et en mousse

Depuis les années 1980, Axelgaard fournit des produits innovants à l'industrie médicale. Pour éviter l'enroulement, toutes les électrodes Axelgaard sont fabriquées avec l'hydrogel multicouche MultiStick® breveté par Axelgaard.

Certains produits et tables
Sukha Massage

La conception, la qualité et la fabrication des produits Sukha ont été testées pour répondre aux besoins quotidiens des cliniques à haut volume, au confort et à la sécurité des patients, et pour offrir un niveau de performance professionnel.

Rouleaux cervical

Le rouleau cervical de Nekrol soutient le cou pendant le sommeil. Il se place à l'intérieur de la taie d'oreiller, le long du bord d'un oreiller en plumes, en fibres, en viscoélastique ou en gel.

Ultrasons, IFCs, combo
et aspirateurs

Fabriqués au Japon, les produits de physiothérapie d'ITO sont utilisés dans le monde entier. Pionnière en agents électrothérapeutiques, ITO a été l'une des premières à adopter la médecine factuelle.

Lasers LLLT MR4
de Multi Radiance

Les lasers Multi Radiance, faciles d’utilisation, donnent aux physiothérapeutes, aux chiropraticiens et aux thérapeutes sportifs une option de traitement abordable, sécuritaire et efficace pour une grande variété de conditions aiguës et chroniques.

Laser thérapeutique

Cet appareil sans fil et portatif est homologué par la FDA et Santé Canada pour une utilisation sécuritaire sans la supervision d’un(e) professionnel(le) de la santé.

Tables de traitement prêtes
à être expédiées!

SEERS Medical conçoit et fabrique une large gamme de mobilier d'examen des patients pour diverses procédures médicales, y compris la gynécologie, échographie, soins de jour, lymphoedème, physiothérapie, ostéopathie et tables bariatriques.

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ITO Ultrasounds, IFCs,
Combos & Vacuums

Made in Japan, ITO physiotherapy products are used in medical facilities around the world. As a pioneer in the field of electrotherapeutic agents, ITO was an early adopter to embrace Evidence Based Medicine.

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Multi Radiance
MR4 LLLT Lasers

Multi Radiance's easy-to-use Super Pulsed Lasers give physiotherapists, chiropractors and athletic therapists an affordable, safe and effective treatment option for a wide variety of acute and chronic conditions.

Fall Courses available!

Discover the technology and treatments driving Canada's fastest-growing modality. With an in-depth look at the language, science and clinical outcomes of Radial and Focused Shockwave.

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Multi Radiance
PainAway Laser

The cordless, portable PainAway laser is FDA & Health Canada approved as safe for use without the direct application or supervision from a healthcare professional.

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Biofreeze Professional
Topical Gel

Biofreeze products provide relief to countless arthritis sufferers. The pain reliever’s unique, cooling formula is also comforting to sore muscles and muscle sprains.

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Axelgaard Cloth
and Foam Electrodes

Since the 1980s, Axelgaard has provided the medical industry with innovative products. To prevent curling, all Axelgaard electrodes are made with Axelgaard’s patented multi-layer MultiStick® hydrogel.

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Select Sukha Massage
Tables and Products

The design, quality, and craftsmanship of Sukha products have been tested to meet the daily needs of high-volume clinics, patient comfort and safety, and to perform at a professional level.

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Nekrol Cervical

The Nekrol Cervical Roll provides neck support while sleeping. Place it inside the pillowcase along the border of a feather, fiberfill, visco-elastic, or gel-filled pillow.

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Solutions To Help During COVID-19

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on select pulleys until July 31st, 2020

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Until July 31st, save 10% off our Mobi Standard, Speed or Unilateral Pulley.

Request a quote through our website or email Quotes@orthocanada to get started!

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A Message from OrthoCanada’s Founder in a Time of Pandemic

At a time like this, how does one adjust and help others to adjust quickly? How does the new paradigm, physical or social distancing, fit with the practice of physiotherapy?

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The Cleaner Band

Sanctband specializes in producing high quality resistive exercise band and tubing for resistance training and rehabilitation products in physiotherapy/rehabilitation, fitness and strength training...

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Why Your Clinic Should Offer Shockwave Therapy

A Canadian clinic that doesn’t offer shockwave therapy may sound normal now, but I am convinced that including a shockwave therapy device in your treatment options will soon...

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The Top Physiotherapy Tables in 2019

Over the past decade she has helped hundreds of clinicians choose good quality equipment that would best meet their needs. Tammy has also tested many different brands of...

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“You are an amazing team.”

—Alireza Aminlari, Physiotherapist, Target Rehab

“We’ve depended on OrthoCanada for quality products, excellent customer service and product availability since 2013. Shipments arrive quickly. The customer service is prompt to correct any issues that have occured during delivery. We would recommend them to anyone in need of supplies for their company. Thanks.”

—Agility Physiotherapy & Sports Injury

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