Recognizing the urgent need to combat climate change, OrthoCanada acknowledges the importance of taking action in our personal and professional lives. Over the last few years, OrthoCanada has implemented many initiatives to reduce our daily environmental impact and become a net zero company. Here are a few actions we've taken in our distribution center and offices to reduce our environmental impact.
Recognizing the urgent need to combat climate change, OrthoCanada acknowledges the importance of taking action in our personal and professional lives. Over the last few years, OrthoCanada has implemented many initiatives to reduce our daily environmental impact and become a net zero company. Here are a few actions we've taken in our distribution center and offices to reduce our environmental impact.

Zero Carbon Building Certification
OrthoCanada is proud to announce that it has been awarded the Zero Carbon Building (ZCB-Performance) certification by the Canada Green Building Council. This certification recognizes OrthoCanada's commitment to achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions.
The Zero Carbon Building certification is a rigorous standard that requires organizations to measure, report, and reduce their carbon emissions to zero. OrthoCanada has committed to sustainability by investing in renewable energy, implementing energy-efficient technologies, and adopting sustainable practices.
Zero Carbon Building Certification
OrthoCanada is proud to announce that it has been awarded the Zero Carbon Building (ZCB-Performance) certification by the Canada Green Building Council. This certification recognizes OrthoCanada's commitment to achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions.
The Zero Carbon Building certification is a rigorous standard that requires organizations to measure, report, and reduce their carbon emissions to zero. OrthoCanada has committed to sustainability by investing in renewable energy, implementing energy-efficient technologies, and adopting sustainable practices.
The Zero Carbon Building mark is a trademark of the Canada Green Building Council and is used here with permission.

2023 Export Outaouais Sustainability Award
We are thrilled to announce that we've received the 2023 sustainability award at the 27th edition of the prestigious Excelor Gala! This award highlights our commitment to reducing our environmental impact as we continue to find new ways to improve ecologically.
2023 Export Outaouais
Sustainability Award
We are thrilled to announce that we've received the 2023 sustainability award at the 27th edition of the prestigious Excelor Gala! This award highlights our commitment to reducing our environmental impact as we continue to find new ways to improve ecologically.

Transportation and Shipping
Each parcel shipped to our customers across Canada undergo their own carbon journey, and for that reason choosing our shipping and freight forwarding partners has become crucial in our goal to reduce our carbon footprint. Our partners are dedicated to converting their parcel pickup and delivery fleets to zero-emission electric vehicles, building initiatives to reduce aircraft fuel consumption, and investing in facilities, renewable energy, and other energy management programs.
Transportation and Shipping
Each parcel shipped to our customers across Canada undergo their own carbon journey, and for that reason choosing our shipping and freight forwarding partners has become crucial in our goal to reduce our carbon footprint. Our partners are dedicated to converting their parcel pickup and delivery fleets to zero-emission electric vehicles, building initiatives to reduce aircraft fuel consumption, and investing in facilities, renewable energy, and other energy management programs.
Warehouse Management System
OrthoCanada’s operations now include a Warehouse Management System (WMS) that utilizes laser scanners during the picking and packing process, removing the need for paper pick sheets while increasing overall accuracy and productivity. Often shipping over a thousand parcels per week, this has already prevented the waste of tens of thousands of sheets of paper since its implementation.
Warehouse Management System
OrthoCanada’s operations now include a Warehouse Management System (WMS) that utilizes laser scanners during the picking and packing process, removing the need for paper pick sheets while increasing overall accuracy and productivity. Often shipping over a thousand parcels per week, this has already prevented the waste of tens of thousands of sheets of paper since its implementation.
Battery-operated forklift and battery recycling
We use a fully electric forklift in our warehouse operations to avoid non-renewable sources of energy in our day-to-day operations. We also keep all used batteries in containers to bring to recycling facilities to prevent our electric and electronic waste from being sent to landfills.
Battery-operated forklift
and battery recycling
We use a fully electric forklift in our warehouse operations to avoid non-renewable sources of energy in our day-to-day operations. We also keep all used batteries in containers to bring to recycling facilities to prevent our electric and electronic waste from being sent to landfills.

Cardboard perforator
In the past, we would purchase kraft paper in commercial quantities to use as package liners. But what if we could re-purpose and reuse the thousands of leftover cardboard boxes from manufacturers we normally send away for recycling? To achieve this, we purchased a perforator machine that transforms cardboard boxes into packaging material, and by doing so, we've eliminated cardboard from our warehouse's recyclable waste.
Cardboard perforator
In the past, we would purchase kraft paper in commercial quantities to use as package liners. But what if we could repurpose and reuse the thousands of leftover cardboard boxes from manufacturers we normally send away for recycling? To achieve this, we purchased a perforator machine that transforms cardboard boxes into packaging material, and by doing so, we've eliminated cardboard from our warehouse's recyclable waste.
Recycling in the cafeteria
We had been noticing over the years that our recycling bins in the cafeteria were somewhat inadequate for the amount of food and containers consumed daily in our work environment. We needed something more robust and invested in higher-grade recycling containers for the kitchen. Volunteers from our team can bring and claim the "Consignée Québec" items at the nearby eco-center.
Recycling in the cafeteria
We had been noticing over the years that our recycling bins in the cafeteria were somewhat inadequate for the amount of food and containers consumed daily in our work environment. We needed something more robust and invested in higher-grade recycling containers for the kitchen. Volunteers from our team can bring and claim the "Consignée Québec" items at the nearby eco-center.