BTL-6000 PRO Radial Shockwave

BTL Physiotherapy



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Training and Workshops


Are you interested in learning about recent breakthroughs in therapeutic electro agents?
Then this workshop is for you!

Taught by Physiotherapist Rosen Kolev, WorldClass Instructor with over 10 years experience with BTL Shockwave Technology.

Training and Workshops


Are you interested in learning about recent breakthroughs in therapeutic electro agents?
Then this workshop is for you!

Training and Workshops


Are you interested in learning about recent breakthroughs in therapeutic electro agents?
Then this workshop is for you!


OrthoCanada and BTL are leading the way in innovation and development. With an intensity of up to 4 bars and ultralight Intelligent MAGNUM applicator, the new BTL-6000 PRO shockwave unit is a clinical solution that addresses all sub-acute and chronic musculotendinous conditions with success. The convenient and ultralight intelligent MAGNUM applicator accommodates parameter adjustments seamlessly during treatment for uninterrupted therapy. Medical Device License 106498

  • • Pressure up to 4 bars
    • Frequency up to 15 Hz
    • Easy and intuitive operation
    • 5.7" colour touchscreen
    • Preset programs
    • Therapeutic encyclopedia with anatomical images
    • Intelligent Magnum applicator is 50% lighter (700 grams)
    • Convenient parameter adjustment via applicator
    • Revision kit includes the best warranty in the industry of 2 000 000 shocks
    • Newly designed projectile with increased longevity
    • Light weight for easy portability
    • Integrated compressor
Magnum applicatorYesYesNo
User Interface8.4" color touch screen5.7" color touch screenLED
Max pressureUp to 6 barsUp to 4 barsUp to 4 bars
FrequencyUp to 22 HzUp to 15 HzUp to 15 Hz
Preset programs22227
User defined protocolsYesYesNo
Standard transmitters9, 15 mm multi-focused and 15 mm focused9, 15 mm multi-focused and 15 mm focused9, 15 mm multi-focused and 15 mm focused
Dimensions320 × 190 × 280 mm (12.5" x 7.5" x 11")320 × 190 × 280 mm (12.5" x 7.5" x 11")320 × 190 × 280 mm (12.5" x 7.5" x 11")
Weight 7 kg (15.5lbs)7 kg (15.5lbs)7 kg (15.5lbs)
Warranty2 yrs unit & applicator, 2M shocks revision kit2 yrs on unit & applicator, 2M shocks on revision kit2 yrs on unit & applicator, 2M shocks on revision kit
Health Canada license #106498106498106498
CSA approved YesYesYes

Intelligent Magnum Applicator


5.7" Colour Touch Screen

The large, easy to use and intuitive 5.7" capacitive colour touch screen allows for smoother workflow and faster operation of the device.

Pre-set Protocols

Its extensive library of pre-set protocols and therapeutic encyclopaedia can be easily accessed through the body part navigation menu


Most Common Indications

✔️ Patellar tendinitis

✔️ Rotator cuff tendinitis and bursitis

✔️ Lateral epicondylitis

✔️ Trigger point release

✔️ Hamstring strain 


Lease For $3/day

Finance your success and benefit from the advanced technology for as low as $3/day.

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Trial Program

Unsure how and if shockwave fits in your practice? Try a unit for 3-weeks!

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Training & Education

Gain valuable understanding about shockwave and application techniques.

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Loaner Program

In the rare event your unit runs into problems, we've got you covered.

Research & Evidence

Approved by Health Canada, shockwave therapy is now being more extensively used in the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries all around the world in rehab and physiotherapy clinics and is the subject of numerous studies that show its effectiveness and efficacy.

Pain reduction
by more than

Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy in the Treatment of Chronic Plantar Fasciitis


ESWT is a non-invasive, safe and effective treatment for recalcitrant plantar fasciitis.

Magdy Husseiny, Ahmad Mansour

Rheumatology & Rehabilitation Department Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Source: Zagazig University Medical Journal, 2009; 15(1) 73–82

See the study >

More than
75% very

Extracorporeal Radial Shockwave Therapy for the Treatment of Achilles Tendinopathies


This prospective study shows the efficacy of extracorporeal radial shockwave therapy in the treatment isertional and not insertional Achilles tendinopathy.

Edison Antonia Serrano

NEOMEDICA, Lima, Peru, 16th International Congress of the International Society for Medical Shockwave Treatment, 2013

See the study >

Elimination of
calcifications in
84% of cases

Shockwave Therapy in Scapulohumeral Periarthritis with Calcific Tendinitis of the Shoulder


Establishing a medical rehabilitation protocol completely efficient and safe, concerning the patients with degenerative and inflammatory pathology of the shoulder with tendinous lesions idiopathic calcific disease.

Augustin Dima, Simona Popescu, Sebastian Diaconescu, Gina Galbeaza, Victorita, Marcu, Daniela Poenaru, Delia Cinteza

Institutul National de Recuperare, Bucuresti, AI 31-lea Congres National de Medicina Fizica si de Recuperare cu Participare Internationala, 2008

See the study >

Powerful units built to last

- Convenient and easy storage
- Mobile solution

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Customer Testimonials

“BTL’s shockwave helps our clients primarily for quick pain relief and improved mobility. The great advantage of the therapy is that it is completely free of anesthesia, drugs and side effects.”

Petra Řehořková

“Shockwave therapy is a modern method used to treat shoulder injuries, chronic Achilles tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, elbow tendinopathies, and chronic stages of myofascial syndrome.”

Julio Segura

“At our clinic we provide this very modern and sought-after method, which we successfully use for a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions such as heel spurs, tennis and golf elbow.”

Jiří Nedělka



Divergent acoustic wave

Convergent acoustic wave

Laser light

Radiofrequency current

Electromagnetic field

Mechanism of Action

Superficial mechanical stimulation

Deep mechanical stimulation

Laser biostimulation

Thermic effect

Nerve depolarization

Key tissue

Tendon, muscle

Tendon, muscle, bone

Cellular repair



Medical effect

Activates healing process in tendinopathies, elimination of calcifications, releases tight muscles, chronic pain management

Activates healing process in tendinopathies, elimination of calcifications, releases tight muscles, chronic pain management, healing of bone non-unions

Healing of acute injuries, anti-inflammatory effect, acute pain management

Muscle spasm relaxation, muscle regeneration, eliminates oedema

Pain management, joint mobilization, muscle stimulation and relaxation, spasticity reduction and fracture healing

Penetration depth

Up to 5 cm, maximum Intensity at surface with superficial spread

Adjustable depth of focal zone within range 0-35 mm, 15-50 mm, 30-65 mm with maximum intensity at selected depth

Up to 10 cm

Anywhere between electrodes

Up to 10 cm




Manual or handsfree with optional Intelligent Scanning System



Patient perception

Pressure sensation to mild discomfort

Pressure sensation to mild discomfort

Intense heat

Intense heat

Muscle contraction or tingling





Conduction lotion, single-use electrode (optional)


Number of treatments

4 to 8

3 to 5

5 to 10

5 to 10

5 to 10

Application frequency

Up to twice a week

Once a week

Up to daily

Up to daily

Up to daily

Treatment duration

10 min

5 min

5 to 15 min

Minimum 15 min

Up to 10 min

Shockwave Blog Posts


In the Spotlight: Shockwave Therapy

Shockwave therapy is a highly effective pain treatment, non-invasive and non-surgical solution for musculoskeletal pain. This extracorporeal shockwave therapy is frequently used in physiotherapy, orthopaedics and sports medicine for pain relief..

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BTL Shockwave Trial Program

Are you interested in shockwave but not sure if it’s the right solution for your clinical practice? OrthoCanada is pleased to offer a 3-week trial* program for Shockwave Therapy..

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How to Afford a Shockwave Unit and Make it Profitable

Working as a Biomedical Engineer at OrthoCanada for the last five years, I’ve spent quite some time chatting with therapists and healthcare professionals about Shockwave Therapy and its benefits..

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Why your Clinic Should Offer Shockwave Therapy

Every now and then, there is a new breakthrough technology that makes its way onto the market and quickly becomes indispensable to clinicians who want their practice to excel and truly want to help even the most chronic cases..

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All Radial Shockwave Indications

Achille’s tendinitis and bursitis

Trochanteric bursitis

Plantar fasciitis

Heel spurs

Patellar tendinitis (jumper’s knee)

Lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow)

Medial epicondylitis (golfer’s elbow)

Thumb basal joint Arthritis

IT band friction syndrome


Chronic Inflammation


Shin splints

Morton's Neuroma


Insertion Tendonopathy

Epicondylopathy radialis /Ulnaris

Myofascial Pain Syndromes

Impingement Syndrome

Tendon calcifications

Patellofemoral Syndrome /Achillodynia

Tibialis anterior Syndrome

Erectile Dysfunction